How can we encourage peoples' potential and provide practical leadership development?

Thompson Dunn can successfully integrate an internal mentoring scheme into your organisation. The benefits of effective mentoring are numerous; from nurturing talent, to increasing staff retention and commitment, internal mentoring is a powerful and cost-efficient talent management strategy.

Harnessed correctly, this provides, not only support and encouragement to the mentees, but also practical leadership development on the part of the mentors. With a mentoring scheme as the ‘backbone’ of your people strategy, you will encourage knowledge sharing of best practice and collaborative working styles with your staff.

Design and implementation

In the planning stages, we consult our clients on a variety of areas that need careful consideration, such as;

  • How will you ‘match’ mentor to mentee?

  • Is this a formal or informal mentoring scheme?

  • Will mentoring take place within reporting lines or outside them?

  • How can a mentoring scheme successfully align to your corporate culture?

  • How does Human Resources most effectively facilitate the process?

  • How to design for sustainability from the outset

  • How best to communicate mentoring scheme objectives to the wider business

Mentoring skills workshops

Thompson Dunn has delivered numerous workshops to support mentors in providing first-class facilitation skills within their mentoring relationships. These day or half day workshops are ‘tailored’ to your needs, however the core content includes some of the following;

  • Structured and unstructured approaches to mentoring

  • Contracting the mentoring relationship

  • Phases of Mentoring – Preparing, Negotiating, Enabling, Closing

  • Active listening skills

  • Cross-cultural mentoring

  • Creating mutual support and sharing best practice between mentors