How do we engage the whole organisation behind our strategic objectives?

Thompson Dunn are experienced in making organisational level assessments of how multiple factors can affect staff engagement, and diagnosing key ‘drivers’ for engagement in your particular context.

We have the expertise to quickly assess your current levels of engagement and put in place steps to increase the commitment and focus of your people.

Organisation wide strategies for sustaining high levels of engagement are vital in the current climate of downsizing and uncertainty. Concern over future plans and job security will often negatively impact individual and group performance levels, when you need it most.

Working with the whole system

Effective engagement of staff across whole organisations needs to take into account company vision, values, recruitment processes, training and development, leadership and organisational culture.

We collect information by blending survey questionnaire data with interview data from key leaders in the business, which provides the basis for our analysis and interpretation. We address key engagement ‘drivers’ by asking;

  • How well do your staff understand the strategic direction of the company?

  • How do employees express their opinions on company matters?

  • How are the vision and values of the business articulated?

  • Are these values ‘modelled’ by the leadership team?

  • Do employees feel they can contribute creatively to address organisational issues?

  • Are your leaders empowering their teams?

A tailored solution

An engagement project will combine a blend of individual assessment, individual and team coaching, workshops, and observational studies. Through the project timeframe we work as your trusted advisor, co-creating practical and impactful solutions.

Developing and managing communication to the wider workforce is also key and addressed directly. Our consultants, together with you, can develop strategies to align behaviour and desired future behaviour from your employees to the overall business goals.